We opened our doors to be an outdoor sporting goods store and have built up a unique inventory of products that we feel promote spending time outdoors around rivers, streams and wetlands. Many of our customers have been surprised to discover that we also offer top quality coffee and beverage options.
Why both?
One of our most cherished values that we live and promote is connection. In our often fragmented lives, we long to feel more connected to the natural world, to ourselves, and to each other. We believe that many of you feel the same. With our coffee shop, we wanted to create a space and an opportunity for outdoor lovers to come together—to share thoughts, ideas, favorite fishing spots. We also wanted a place where our non-fishing friends and family members can feel at home as well.
Our planet is home to everyone and we want to forge a sense of community by gathering together to share our love of the natural world with skilled outdoors men and women and with novices alike. When we are at home in the outdoors, we are all inspired to care for and protect our home.
We also build connection by getting outdoors together. For our fishing enthusiasts, we launched our fishing group, Heron Anglers, in 2022 and we hope to see this group grow and find opportunities to fish together in 2023. Since opening we also heard from so many of you that you would like to learn new fishing skills. We have listened to your suggestions and are planning classes, workshops, and events in 2023—stay tuned for more details!
We love our “home waters,” the quiet streams and rivers that are nearby. We want to help more of you to get out to enjoy our waterways with us and, based on your comments, many of you are eager for opportunities to do so. We hope our informational classes and skill-building workshops will help accomplish this goal. These how-to programs will be called “Heron Connect” and will offer a variety of ways to get involved in our community.
We are excited about the new friendships that 2023 offers us! Whether you’re an expert fisher, a paddling enthusiast, or a coffee lover, please stop by the shop to say hello and enjoy a cup of something delightful. We’re happy to know you!